Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Technology Too Early?

*Are kids getting technology too early?*

I remember that I was in high school and being very active before my mom even considered me getting a cell phone. The only reason I ended up getting one was because she couldn't keep up with all of my extra curricular activities and I could call her when I was done and needed a ride. These days, I feel like kids are getting technology way too early. What is the point of a kid having a cell phone in middle school or even younger? The girl who sent over a thousand text messages a month was an eye opener for me. I am just not sure what the point is. I feel that high school is a good age to begin thinking about a cell phone for a student because this is when they are most active in school.
However, technology such as computers and computerized toys/activities could be a good thing. They could help students to begin on their educational knowledge and help with studying. Although, parents should be careful of how their children are using technology resources such as the Internet.

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